Monday 1 October 2012

Year 9 Development Prep

Mrs Hinde-Taylor's geography group have been set a prep that asks you to read a newspaper article on development. You can find that newspaper article here. It is about the gold mine protests that have been happening in South Africa and other African nations and highlights some of the issues we have been learning about in our unit on development. Read the article and post you comments using the 'comment' option below. Is it fair that it has traditionally been white people who have owned the mines? Do you think that it is right for the workers to strike? Whatever your opinion, please post them below. Please be aware that you comments will not appear straight away so don't worry if they don't show up immediately.
Happy Blogging!


  1. I cant believe how greedy the RSA are

    1. it is not fair everyone is equal is equal and should be treated so

    2. everyone is equal and should be treated the same and be payed more than they are. amagain being stuck in a mine dreading the roof crashing ontop of you

    3. everyone is equal and should be treated so and should be payed more. amagian being stuck in a mine dreading the roof crashing down on you.

  2. I feel sorry for the people who are suffering

  3. That's so cruel. For risking their lives every day they should get respect and more pay. The people who do the labour should get just as much pay as the managers who don't have to go into the dark and dangerous mines. They work so hard to provide for their families and hardly ever see them. They should provide family accommodation not far away and provide better hostels for the workers. Any uprising is the bosses' fault.

  4. I think its really unfair to the miners. The working conditions are awful and so is the food. They cant really leave the mines during the day and the mine could fall in on them and crush them at any time. Also they can barley breathe.

  5. Is everyone not entitled to a fair wage? The government should impose a basic minimum wage for all workers because it is a dangerous job.

  6. I think it's horrible that the miners, who to work in serious conditions being surrounded by people who smoke drugs around them, not only harming themselves but the people around them who try to work for money to feed their family.

  7. Samuel Dewick 9D2 October 2012 at 19:19

    that's terrible. I guess if you raise the pay in one place you should raise it in all the others, like it said about inequality and stuff. Oh, and nice post, Umair

  8. Its amazing the things you don't know. Being barely able to breath in a place you don't really want to be is awful !!! All of those poor people must be struggling and in s much pain everyday. The workers are left with horrible dirty hostels and their families with bad accommodation to. They should defiantly get higher pay and better living styles to the awful ones they have at this moment. I wouldn't be surprised if the workers and their families did protest in some way or another i know i would.
    Olivia Ross

  9. I think it's really cruel that the workers are only given a small amount of money for how long they have to work and they are treated very unfairly.

  10. its hard to beleive that people could be so greedy. i think its cruel that people work so long for so little hours

  11. it is so crul what is happening and it shouldn't. the people doing this couldn't possibly amagian what its like in those mines.

  12. Brandon phillip 9f

    i think that nations and highlights some of the issues we have been learning about in our unit on development.
    that is cool

  13. this shouldn't be happening. the people could amagian what its like in those mines.

  14. I think that the gold mine protests that have been happening in South Africa and other African nations are right

    cool brandon

  15. I think they should all be treated equally, paid well and treated well. I feel really sorry for Mokwane, I think his life is really hard

  16. Who would of thought that the people who risk their lives everyday in the mines are not threated equally. They have low pay, bad food and have to live in overcrowded hostels. They should definately get a higher pay so they can afford better accomodations for their families. Well I know that i'd definately protest due to the bad lifestyle they are having to living and the cramp conditions the miners have to work in all day, every day. I also feel extremely sorry for them because they can hardly breathe in the mines and also for the fact that you can't trust the mines. Who knows one minute the rocks would be fine and stable but the next the whole wall might collapse on top of you. So I don't think there's new with the fact that they are protesting. They should and they have every right to!

    That's all i wanted to say. Thank you

  17. I think it is absolutely terrible. While the rich men's children ask: "daddy can you buy me the rest of my full gold jewellery collection?" the poor kids ask their dads: "daddy when are you coming home and when can we go to school? I'm hungry daddy."

  18. Everyone deserves to be paid equal pay, their lives are obviously filled with misery and hundreds of people like the ones in South Africa are suffering in the world with situations like this.

  19. i cant even believe that they're allowed to hire random people for this risky sort of work.

  20. i think its terrible how they live, how they are treated and what their living conditions are like, also the fact that some of them resort to drugs is awful!!

  21. I think the numbers should be sorted out allowing the mine compnay to make a profit aswell as the miners getting fair and equal pay!

  22. Joshua Ssendagire 9D4 October 2012 at 21:03

    i think this is very unfair, for the miners, they should get payed a fair pay, instead of dreading when its payday. the miners risk their lives in their work, when any second could fall and crush any miner. i think they should not be forced to work, when they are at the risk of being killed.The miners risk their life then they, get such low pay. Everyone should be treated equally especially the people who are risking there lives just to support themselves and there family.

  23. It is awful the conditions they work in and the suffering they have to endure just so that the rich owners of the mines can sit relaxing as they watch the money pour in.
