Monday 1 October 2012

Year 10 Geography Prep

Mrs Hinde-Taylor's group have been set a prep task to read a news paper article on the effects of climate change. You can find a link to the article here. Post your thoughts on the article using the comment button. Questions to think about: Are we doing enough to limit climate change? Is it too late? What could our government do? What can we as individuals do? Were you shocked by any of statistics in the article?  Please be aware that your comments will not appear automatically so don't worry if you can't see them straight away. Any problems, please do let us know.
Happy Blogging!


  1. This article clearly pionts out the financial problems with climate change and how it affects the global gdp

    Dylan Stewart 10Y

  2. Aaron Brown
    The number of deaths is terible as is the cosT,because of it the environment is becoming worst. Talks about long term climate change..

  3. I find it interesting and amazing that climate change is already causing the deaths of nearly 400,000 people a year and costing the world more than $1.2 trillion. Those are some big figures and if it carries on like this we could be in for a disaster.

  4. I was surprised by the statistics of how many deaths are caused by climate change and how much it costs the world. I don't think we're doing enough to limit climate change but I believe it's too late for us to start limiting it because either way, the damage to the planet will just keep getting increasingly worse. As individuals, we can use modes of transport that don't emit harmful gases into our atmosphere, such as riding a bike or walking

  5. I was mostly surprised by the amount of people it killed every year and how much it's costing the world, when we don't even notice climate change in our day to day lives.

  6. Lydia Gordon 10R2 October 2012 at 17:38

    The article is about how we’re doing everything but enough to limit climate change. There are so many important factors to immediately say we’re definitely too late such as all the different types of pollution and causes but also the results of climate change e.g. drastic melting of the glaciers because you can’t automatically freeze the ocean. However, I don’t think it’s too late too slow the damaging result because we as individuals can choose to live more sustainably e.g. turn taps and lights off when not using them, ride bikes/walk more often to reduce greenhouse gas production, etc. Our government should make the country more aware of the results of climate change in several ways like setting an example for the community, hand out free energy-saving lightbulbs, set a limit for how much greenhouse gas production there should be nationally each year, reducing each time. To me, the statistics in the article involving the extreme weather in Europe (droughts, floods and more severe storms) but mostly the amount of deaths as a result of climate change (nearly 400,000 people a year).

  7. Some excellent musings from Lydia and Deborah, I too was shocked by some of the statistics mentioned in the article. It's great to hear all of your thoughts on such a controvesial and relevant topic.

  8. It's surprising how many people die every year, and how much the climate can effect us. I think that it is too late,but we can slow it down by emitting less harmful gases.

  9. Jacob Ingram-Smith2 October 2012 at 18:51

    i thought that the article was shocking, as the facts show that a lot of people are dying. The cost of climate change is worrying and we have to do something about it.

  10. I was really surprised at the amount of money climate change was costing the world. I for one didn't have a clue that climate change not only had an effect on the physical side of the world, but also the economical. Especially in the economical state most of the world is in I'm surprised that it had never come up in the news, or was used as another big reason as to why we need to act on climate change now. I was also surprised by the death toll, as it never really documented but climate change is not only a threat to crops etc, but also a possible killer.

  11. points out financial problems with climate change also it is shocking to see how many people die from climate change.

  12. I think that the statistics in this article show that we are definitely not doing enough to limit climate change, if 4.5 million people are dying per year due to the effects of climate change we are not doing enough, I think that everyone should be shocked by this statistic and help to decrease their carbon output by using energy efficient appliances. I think governments should work together in order to help slow down the effects of climate change, because it is easy for developed countries to say that the world should cut down on their carbon emissions when they would be losing, at most, only 2% of their GDP to climate change. Other less developed countries, such as Bangladesh, who lose 10% productivity of farming, and therefore almost 11% of their GDP. Therefore I think governments should work together to help slow down climate change in order to save our planet.

  13. I found it surprising that so many people died because of the climate change, and that the climate effects us. I think its too late, but we can still slow it down by emitting less harmful gases into the atmosphere.

  14. The number of deaths and cost to fix china was really shocking. I think that articles like this should encourage people to try and slow the rate of climate change, and act to save our future (so cliche)

  15. I found that the article was very shocking as the statistics were overwhelming since so much economical damage and so many lives are lost due to climate change. The article showed that developing countries such as Bangladesh will suffer major losses if temperatures rise by even 1C which is said to result in 10% losses in farming productivity. I don't think it is too late to limit climate change since the government make new propositions and national campaign to help motivate people to save energy,it can award rewards to people who have saved energy or recycled, it has offered some home owners free solar panels. The governments of the world have had discussions in the past such as the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in which propositions such as cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020, 42% by 2030 and 83% by 2050 have been made.Furthermore, they will continue to do so in events such as the upcoming World Climate Summit 2012 and I think events like these will and have made a major change. As individuals, we can save water by turning off taps, we can switch of lights, we can minimise using cars by waling or cycling and we can use solar panels on our houses.

  16. Ned Haigh

    I was shocked by some of the statistics from the article, in particular the reported $1.2 trillion spent by the world to slow down an event that is inevitable. It was also interesting to see how real the situation was just by looking at the picture and seeing real people surrounded by their flooded homes in Bangladesh. The article also put into perspective how close climate change was and how dangerous the situation is: an estimated 400,000 deaths a year and the article continues to tell us is that these figures are only going to get higher and higher.

  17. I would like to see where the article got it's facts from as it would be very hard to measure the amount of deaths caused by climate change. If this number is true and the research I have found is true, climate change causes 7.5 times the amount of deaths that passive smoking creates. There is more publicised warnings about death from passive smoking than from climate change and this should change.

  18. Hira Aftab 10D

    I was shocked at the amount of deaths caused by climate change, and how much it is costing the world. Other ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions could be to produce more low carbon cars. However the government could do more to make people aware of the damage this is causing the world

  19. Hira Aftab 10D

    I was shocked at the amount of deaths caused by climate change, and how much it is costing the world. The government should do more to aware people of this. A way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could be by producing more low carbon cars, and maybe by making power stations more efficient so that less energy is wasted.

  20. Hassanain Himdan2 October 2012 at 23:11

    The amount of deaths caused by climate change was shocking. However to reslove this we should stop using transportation that emits gases and use other options of transport such as riding a bike/ walking. It is to late to stop climate change however we could atleast limit the amount of gases due to tansport to slow down climate chnge.

  21. George Thornton 10D

    This article really shows that the world is getting warmer. Some parts of the world are getting affected by it already. A good way to stop it would be to burn less fossil fuels and use renewable ways to make electricity e.g. solar power.

  22. It's quite surprisng that such a small change in temperature globally can do so much damage. WE NEED TO SAVE THE PLANET. STOP MAKING POLLUTION!!!!!
