Wednesday 27 November 2013

Year 13 Geography work - 27th Nov

Hi Year 13

Please complete the following work for cover today:

1. Complete your grid of the impacts of multiculturalism by watching the remaining clips from "The Poles are coming". Search for this on Youtube and you will find 7 clips all about 9mins long. Remember you are looking to record SPECIFIC EVIDENCE!

2. Write full answers to the following questions:

- Suggest reasons for the development of multicultural societies (8mk)
- With reference to examples, discuss the issues related to multicultural societies (10mk)

Remember that planning your answer is crucial. Following the guidance about introductions, building arguments and conclusions discussed in class yesterday.

Next lesson you should bring with you:
- Answers to the questions above plus the completed 7mk given out in class earlier this week.
- The intro, skeleton and conclusion for the 40mk question introduced yesterday.

Good luck

Mr S

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