Wednesday 27 November 2013

Year 12 - Mr Smith's cover work for 27th Nov

Hi Year 12,

I realise that you have had a number of cover lessons of late so please make sure that you are taking all the work seriously. If you have problems with any of the work, see me to discuss and/or attend the Monday geography clinic in B27.

Today I would like you to:

1. Take a mark scheme for the Unit 1 rivers section for Nov assessment from B25 (Mrs H-T will put these out). Use this to review your own answers and identify what you needed to include to get full marks. Once you have done this, you need to put away the mark scheme and write improved answers for each question from memory. Don't cheat! The point is you are thinking about what you didn't know, revising it and then practising answering a question again.

2. Notes review:
You should now have detailed notes from class and prep/hwk on everything in the textbook between p2 - 30. Go through and write notes for anything that you don't have. If you have notes already, begin to write revision cards that consolidate the content.

The work above should take 2 hours (1 in class plus 1 at home). Please make sure you are doing this.


Mr S

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