Wednesday 28 November 2012

Year 9 Shifting Planet Lesson 2 Prep

Calling all Year 9 Geographers! In lesson 2, you were introduced to the USGS map that shows where earthquakes have happened around the world in the last week. You can visit the site to refresh your memory by clicking on the link here.

How useful is this website? Who might use it?

Post your answers to the questions using the comments function below. Don't worry if you can't see your comment straight away, they need to be moderated by a teacher. Please don't forget to leave your name at the end of your comment!


  1. I think this website is very useful for people who observe earthquakes, as it tells us where the last earthquake happened and when it happened around the world.

    Jahangir Ali 9T

  2. it is useful as it tells us where the earthquakes are happening but also it says when it happened so people can work out patterns in it to decide where the next earthquake will happen. scientists that focus on weather and for TV weather forecast.
    Joshua Chering

  3. Daniel.s
    Very useful because of the zoom tool.
    may help seismologist

  4. This website might be useful for monitoring how many earthquakes are happening currently and how large and disastrous they may be. They could be used by people living in an area with a high risk of earthquakes to see if any are happening locally and where plates are sliding or maybe even charities to see which areas may need aid if the earthquake creates damage. -Millie Giles 9F

  5. I'm not sure if I find this website useful I think It could be more Clear and Easier to Understand & I think Maybe We could use this program In class instead of For Homework
    Marnie Hinds-Jones

  6. I would say that this website is quite useful, and that people with jobs like journalism might use this website a lot. This site would be useful for those types of people especially who had reporting or writing news updates as part of their job, because this website could inform them of any major earthquakes that had happened recently and the details. This website would also be useful for anyone who was generally writing on earthquakes or anything similar, as well as for scientists or geologists who were studying plate tectonics, because they could use the details of the earthquakes to detect any patterns or changes in shifting plates.

  7. In my opinion, The Twyford Geography Blogspot for Year 9 is very useful and pertinent because it gives more suitable information that I can actually take just by reading the article posted on this website.

    I believe that all kinds of people look about this because it is factual and you ultimately have the ability to learn about the different cultures of one single country. People from ranging from businessman/bussinesswoman to unemployed citizens can learn a bit about their country that they live in and what their country's key features are represented as.

    Yusuf Kassim, 9 Fountains, December 4th 2012

  8. This website is quite useful for knowing where earthquakes happen. Travellers might use it, to plan their trips away from the fault lines
    Luke J

  9. The website is useful for people who live in areas of the world where earthquakes happen so they can see whether or not they need to evacuate or prepare emergency equipment.
    This website is useful because it shows the earthquakes that have happened and how strong they were and where about the earthquake to the precise location.
    David Castle 9W :)

  10. 0n a scale of 1-10 i would give the USGS website an 8. I think that i would find this website useful for revision. I also think that years 7-11 might use this website.
    Karishma Patel

  11. The website is very useful for people who want to be safe when they go on holiday or are looking for scientific information about the world. Scientists or holiday planners might use it to see the most safe locations or information about the world and it's current status.

  12. - How useful is this website?
    I think the website is very useful because it tells you where earthquakes are going on around the world during the last hour, day, and week, and some information about them.
    - Who might use it?
    I think students can use it because they might need this sort of information for homework, or projects, or anything else... I also think that other people, other than students, will use it because they might just want to know some information about earthquakes because they might be interested in this sort of topic.

  13. The King Of Hyrule6 December 2012 at 13:41

    Mah boi, this website is what all true geographers strive for!

  14. How useful is this website?
    I think this website is very useful because it tells you the magnitude and time of an earthquake as well as where it is or was. This could help us see where the biggest earthquakes are and how the patterns relate to the areas the tectonic plates meet.
    Who might use it?
    Scientists (to find out more about the plates movements), teachers (to teach), students (to answer preps like this or because there intrested) and people in general who are intrested.

  15. I think that the website is useful because it gives you up-to-date information as to when the last earthquake in the world was. Also, the map is a slightly different representation of the globe as opposed to what we're used to (that being with Africa in the centre), the centre of it here being where most of the earthquakes occurred, which you can see in an instant.
    The people who might use it could be anyone needing to find recent data for something they are doing- from students doing homework needing data to journalists in news reports.
    -Zoe Willis 9Y

  16. A nice looking website, could look simpler though, it does not look like it is an actual map that can be used to explore, looks more like a picture, but it is useful, the regular updates side to it is really good, telling you when the most recent earthquakes are, a handy little thing to have.

    Tienne- 9Y

  17. Joel Luther Braun7 December 2012 at 16:19

    The map is useful for people who study geography, I love how it shows where the earthquakes are in real time and i love that you can zoom in to pinpoint where the earthquakes are but i dont think other people would use it as not many people need it.

  18. I find the information on the map pretty average. They could maybe use a 3D world to show where earthquakes are happening. But over all it's quite good
    This webdite may be useful to those who study tetonic plates.Because it shows where earthquake happens with regular update.

    1. That's a good idea Oscar. I think a 3D version of this application would be extremely usful. Perhaps it could also show underwater earthquakes and volcanoes aswell. Joe 9T

  19. I think this website is very useful as you can see all the most recent earthquakes across the world over a chosen period of time. The layout is OK but it could be easier to use and understand it could also be a lot simpler. The fact that it is updated regularly is good because people with jobs such as weather reports and journalists will find this convenient.

    Eloise 9R

  20. I guess this website is pretty useful as it gives a helping hand to those who need to find out about recent volcanic reuptions, which is what the website is actually made for. In this, the website it perfectly useful. People such as travellers and geographers would use this website to keep updated on global news about volcanoes. :) Cheers

  21. i think this wedsite is very useful because it tells you where earthquakes have happened around the would during the week, day and hour, and it also tells you a bit of information about the earthquake such as the magnitude of it. I believe that this website is useful to those who study earthquakes as it has the lates news on earthquakes and its whereabouts.

  22. I think that this is a useful resource because you can see where earthquakes have happened that you might have missed on the news ( e.g. japan's 7.3 earthquake which we saw in class). It is also helpful that you can zoom in to see in more detail and also find out more information about the earthquake by clicking on it.

    You might use it if you needed to create a project on earthquakes; if you are really interested in them; if you like to be ahead of the news; or have somebody you are worried about who lives in an earthquake zone.

    Abi Mackenzie

  23. The website doesnt just tell us where the last earthquakes happened, it also tells us that earthquakes usually occur inbetween the tectonic plates.

    Daniel Perkins 9T

  24. Rachael Evans 9F

    How useful is this website?
    This website is useful for spotting patterns in earthquakes. Another thing this website offers is for earthquake specialists to have a closer look at how the plates work and how they behave.

    Who might use the website?
    People who would find this website useful could be earthquake specialists and people who generally have a interest on where earthquakes happen.

  25. I think that the website can be vital for people living in certain 'danger zones'. It could save lives.

  26. i think this website would be useful to teachers and to people who want to study earthquakes and where they occur.

  27. I think that this website is very helpful because it lets you know where the earthquakes happen and how recent they were. I think that this website can be extremely helpful to anyone.

  28. This website is useful because it helps you know where it is safe to go on holiday and it helps geographers to study where earthquakes commonly are found


  29. This website is useful as it helps us to see patterns in earthquakes and find out where earthquakes are likely to occur.

  30. I think that the website is extremely useful for people who want to research up on earthquake/ tectonic activity around certain area so that they can develop technology to withstand earthquakes or if they want live recordings for other research. Also It can be used to predict where volcanoes, tsunamis and anomaly earthquakes could be triggered, which could help with the saving of lives.
    By Samer Elias 9F

  31. This Website is very useful, its like a simple way to find up to date info, on georgraphy. It gives you extra, information on prep/homework u may need to do. I Think that everyone should use it, aswell as the twyford students

    Joshua 9D

  32. the website is very useful it helps me with the prep if i am srugling with prep
    Chayanne Denys 9R

  33. This website is extremely useful because we can map out the different tectonic plates and the direction of movement by looking at the locations of earthquakes. Earthquakes ussualy occur along the edges of the plates and so can be used to get an accurate map of the earths crust. Joe Randall 9T

  34. I think that this website is quite useful, mostly in that it allows the user to see when recent earthquakes have happened. Though this website would be more useful if you could spin around the world like you can with google earth. This website is useful, but it could do with a bit of improvement

    Felix Brett 9W

  35. Wow, first of 2013
    The webpage definitely has its uses, being able to show earthquakes within that happened within the last hour.
    It is interesting in its own right, yet it could also be quite a valuable resource for anyone that is researching statistics for use in something such as an essay.
    On the other hand, it has little or no use for people that are supposed to be helping those that would be the victims of earthquakes; a resource more relevant for those people would be based on predictions, rather than earthquakes that have already happened, in relation to magnitude and the population density of the area that the earthquake spans.

  36. I think this website is really useful as you can see all the most recent earthquakes across the world. It updates every so often and it has a key at the bottom where you can see where and when the most recent earthquake happened.
    Khidr Rana 9Y

  37. I would say that the website is rather useless to the general public but is rather important for earthquake and disaster response teams such as MSF. By having twenty-four hour locations of earthquakes readily available, these teams are able to see which areas of the world most require assistance and attention.
    Isaac Wiltshire 9F

  38. The map is fairly useful as it shows the earthquakes in last week around the world in the. The USGS map that shows where earthquakes have happened in the last hour, which is fairly impressive. The website also indicates on how earthquakes could be triggered. Which is really reliable on my standereds.
