Thursday 22 November 2012

Year 8 Ecosystems Prep

Calling Mrs Hinde-Taylor's Year 8 Geographers!
Yesterday, you watched the Planet Earth episode Pole to Pole, which shows you all the different ecosystems that we have here on Earth. Lots of these environments, like the poles and the desert, are fragile extreme environments that are easily damaged by people visiting them.

Do you think people should be allowed to visit these fragile environments? Why? Post your answer using the comment box below. Don't worry if you cannot see you post straight away, it has to be approved first. Please write your name after your comment so that I can see who has responded.


  1. I think that if the place is really fragile no one should go there and especially if it belongs to someone.Because you are damaging the enviroment.

  2. People will get injured

  3. No because sometimes tourist endanger rare species. That's why I think tourist shouldn't be allowed to go to North or South Pole.

  4. George Holderness28 November 2012 at 06:47

    I think that tourists should not be allowed to go to these places. I think this because places that have been left alone by man until now have been left alone for a reason - for the sake of animals's habitats and in some cases, for the people themselves. The North and South Poles may be fragile, but they can still damage man. This is why I think that tourists should not be allowed to go to these places.

    George Holderness
