Thursday 4 September 2014

Year 7 Geography Knowledge

Calling all Year 7 geographers. Complete your prep by commenting below about what you have studied at primary school about Geography. What is important about the world we live in?

Comment by clicking on the "comment" button below, insert your comment and click post.

REMEMBER: write your name and form as part of your comment otherwise your teacher will not know who you are and the prep will be marked as incomplete.

Mr S


  1. At Primary School I learnt about Africa and India. I learnt about the people that live there in particular their religion and culture. I also learnt about volcanoes and rivers too. The world is important because we want to understand how humans and the environment work together.

    Vicky 7T1

    1. At primary school I learnt about the water cycle and how it works and what it is. I learnt about how rain works and travels and how we have seas lakes and rivers and how they are made and were created.

      Laurence 7D

    2. at primary i learnt the water cycle
      bella 7c

    3. In primary school I had a really fun and exciting time learning about the Victorians!
      Olivia Johnson, 7R

  2. In primary school I learnt about global warming

    Matt Magee 7d

  3. In primary school we learnt about global warming, it's causes and prevention. Also we looked at the country of Brazil within a World Cup focus.
    7D Matthew Magee

  4. I dont think I did geography at primary school but it could have been under a topic that had loads of other topics in it too. The thing that to know about the world we live in and how things are created naturally is important.
    Anushka 7R

  5. In primary school geogdaphy was marked down as a topic with a load of other different topics but I learnt about rivers and natural disarters a bit. The important thing about the world we live in is that you need to know about the world we luve I such as: natural disasters and different type of cyles, like the water cycle
    Anushka sidhu 7R

  6. In primary a learnt quite a few things based on geography but one thing we focused on mostly was the process of the water cycle and how it works. Joshua Kwamya 7Y

  7. I learnt about the water cycle in geography mostly but we focused on others too yet this was more of a main section in my primary school's geography,Joshua Kwamya 7Y

  8. Leo 7y
    Today I learnt how geography can impact on what job you receive and how water affects the shape of the earth.

  9. In primary school I learned about the weather climate> We mostly studied the rain and clouds and that they have a cycle that is constantly repeating itself to create more of the rain. We also learned where the rain comes from and how it starts of on the ground and goes up to the sky, thats when everything begins again.

    Andrewlika 7D

  10. For geography in my primary school we studied about mountains and rivers. We also studied about all the ways that tectonic plates move to create mountains or volcanoes.Our last topic was about South Africa in which we studied about some important cities and geographical features(e.g mountains).

  11. In primary school we did a lot of geography but one thing that we focused on the most was the process of the water cycle and how it works. Joshua Kwamya 7Y

  12. In primary school we learnt about coast. They even took us on a trip to the coast of England

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  15. In Primary school we didn't do much geography but we studied global warming and rivers like the river Thames.

    Ella Trotman 7C

  16. At primary School in Geography I learnt about where The Isle of Wight is and what all the continents are.I also learn't about the side effects of Global warming and where it came from.Also we learnt about where africa was during our study of the slave trade

  17. In Primary school in Geography we learnt about The places in Africa.Also We located the Isle Of Wight on a map.Another thing is that we learnt about Global warming and where it came from.


  19. I studied the water cycle/specific countries/continents. They came under the word "topic", but we didn't do much about Geography. I look forward to learning about Geography in detail at Twyford.

    Jeevan Farthing 7T

  20. In primary school we learnt about rural and urban places. We also learned about global warming and rivers.
    Ayah Sadik 7F

  21. In primary school we didn't really do Geography but we did cover Geography within other topics. We learnt about South America and its physical features , Global warming, Rivers and Water cycles, we learnt about mountains and volcanoes, we learnt about forests and where they were ,we also learnt about where world war 2 happened and where the spice islands were and we had to draw a map from memory of the world ,we traveled around Egypt online and finally we learnt about battles and where the events happened... Marley Barsoom 7Y

  22. In primary school Geography wasn't a topic but we did do it within other topics like we learnt about water cycles and rivers ,mountains and volcanoes ,South America and its physical features ,we learnt about battles and where they happened, Egypt , how the world used to look like before .Once we had to draw a map from memory ,Greece Belgium wall and more.

  23. In primary school we learnt about Africa and the animals that live there.
    Jamie Spencer 7T

  24. I did geography in primary but we didn't go into that much detail. We only learnt about the water cycle and the continents. I am looking forward to learning geography in Twyford!
    Sara Bennis 7Y

  25. I did geography in primary but we didn't go into that much detail. We only learnt about the water cycle and the continents. I am looking forward to learning geography in Twyford!
    Sara Bennis 7Y

  26. In primary school we studied our local area, our map skills, the water cycle and coasts

  27. In primary school we learnt about the water cycle,India,Europe and rivers.

    Hannah Bailey 7R

  28. In primary school I looked at global warming and Iceland in geography.
    Jacob Clarke 7Y

  29. In Geography in primary school I learnt about Africa and the people who live there.In the past my primary school has had a link with a third world school in Mozambique called Todos Santos.I learnt how different education can be when there are very little resources.Despite this the children always looked happy.
    Miles Bernadine 7R

  30. in primary school I have studied about mountains rivers lakes and the water cycle I can't wait to studied more about geography that I have never heard of in year 7
    Rohan 7Y

  31. in primary school I have studied about mountains rivers lakes and the water cycle I can't wait to studied more about geography that I have never heard of in year 7
    Rohan 7Y

  32. In primary school we learnt about rural and urban places. We also learned about global warming and rivers.
    Ayah Sadik 7F

  33. In my primary school, we didn't get taught that much geography, but we did learn about the water cycle, also we studied about natural disasters.
    Without the world, where would we live in? The world is the perfect place for humans because it has all the resources for a human being to survive. It has rivers and lakes for water ; fruits, vegetables and meat for food and it has lots of shelter. It has the right temperature to support living things.

    Chjozyn Cenal 7T

  34. In primary school I learnt about St Lucia, Egypt and the Amazon rain forest which was extremely interesting. The Amazon rain forest was the one i enjoyed the most as i got to do a project about a chosen Amazon rain forest animal, I chose the Golden lion Tamarin.
    The important thing about the world we live in is for us to understand about how the things that we do have an effect on the world.
    Tilly Bushell 7R

  35. in primary school geography wasn't a subject but we did learn stuff about valcanoes and antarctica and how only 70% of the world us water!!!!!!
    Finley morgan 7W

  36. In primary school we learnt about climate and how weather changes in different circumstances and how we can save the world from floods or other extreme weather
    INGA 7Y

  37. In primary school I learned about how mountains are made when the tectonic plates are pushed together.
    Finlay Feeney 7w

  38. Rivers and streams are big parts in both history and georaphy because
    great cities were built around them E.G. the Egyptions built around the
    great River Nile. Eleanor 7D

  39. In primary school we never learnt that much stuff about geography but the 2 things we learnt was about the water cycle and rivers. It affects the world because then we know how a water cycle goes . Also rivers help us know which kind of rivers there are.

    Stuti 7T

  40. At Primary School, i learnt about Global Warming and how it effects different countries around the World in different ways.
    Harshveer Chandhock 8Y

  41. I think it is important to learn geography as it helps you travel around the countries, know where you are and also to know their flags.
    Nathan Lawler 7C

  42. In primary we studied the ancient Egyptians and some facts we learned were that the most famous tomb was made with 1 million blocks of lime stone, it was guarded by a sphinx. A sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and a human head, hopefully we can learn about it in year 7. Maizie Fashoni 7C

  43. In my primary school we did not do that much geography but we did learn about natural disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes and about the water cycle Haydn from Twyford and my old school also taught me a lot about Geography

    Thomas Phillips 7T

  44. In my primary school we learnt a lot about the water cycle in the junior years and learnt about global warming. We also learnt about the Ancient Egyptians. We did a lot more but I can't remember everything we did:-).
    A-Tiyah Tindale 7F

  45. at my primary school we did the water cycle and how i works
    Bella 7C

  46. At primary school I learnt about climate and weather and about the map of the world. I also learnt about natural disasters and the water cycle.
    May Larson 7D

  47. At primary school I learnt about climate, weather, the map of the world and the water cycle. It was fun.
    May 7D

  48. Mohammed Al-shalan10 September 2014 at 17:53

    In primary school geography was marked down as a topic with a load of other different topics but I learnt about rivers and natural disasters a bit. The important thing about the world we live in is that you need to know about the world we live In such as: natural disasters and different type of cycles, like the water cycle was marked down as a topic with a load of other different topics but I learnt about rivers and natural disasters a bit. The important thing about the world we live in is that you need to know about the world we live I such as: natural disasters and different type of cycles, like the water cycle.

  49. Mohammed Al-Shalan 7R10 September 2014 at 17:56

    In primary school geography was marked down as a topic with a load of other different topics but I learnt about rivers and natural disasters a bit. The important thing about the world we live in is that you need to know about the world we live In such as: natural disasters and different type of cycles, like the water cycle

  50. In my Primary school we didn't do a specific Geography lesson but we did do topics like the water cycle how it goes from mountains to oceans ext.. So Geography is going to be a quite a new subject for me this year and the years to come !

    Millie Hodge 7C

  51. In geography we studied mountainous regions such as the Himalayas the Alps and the Andes

    Alfie Morrison 7F

  52. In primary school, learnt about the water cycle, and different places in the world. I love traveling and visiting new places, and I've been to lots of countries with my family. :)

    Rosy R.N 7R

  53. In primary school we studied the water cycle and learnt about different places in the world. I have travelled to lots of countries with my family and think Geography helps me to locate different places. :)

    Rosy R.N. 7R

  54. In my primary school I studied the water cycle and different places in the world.I have visited many different countries with my family and I think Geography helps me to locate places and understand new environments. :)

    Rosy 7R

  55. Hi I am mattias southcombe i haven't learn relay anything at primary school but i have been learning about Pompeii and volcanoes and how they erupt. I had learn about a bit of geography at the end of year 4 but not necessary lot

  56. I learnt about the water cycle and how it works, we didn't do much about geography in my primary school. I'm looking forward to learning about it in twyford

  57. in primary school I learnt about the water cycle and how it works, I didn't do geography that much in my primary school. I'm looking forward to geography in Twyford

    Archie Authers, 7D

  58. in primary school we didn't do much geography all we really did was learn how to read maps if that counts

    Tuilelaith Kehoe 7C

  59. In my primary school i studied erosion, and the way the water wears away the cliffs.
    Daniel Barrak 7D

  60. In my primary school I learnt about keys, how to read maps, about natural disasters, and the water cycle.

    Carl Barrak 7R

  61. In primary school we learnt about st Lucia and mountains including volcano's.
    Daniel Wing 7F

  62. In primary school I learnt about how people migrated from their country to another country because the facilities in their country weren't very good.
    Shanique Afari 7D

  63. we learn't about why other countries have more mountains and higher mountains

    luca gillespie 7D

  64. in primary school I learn't about why other countries have more mountains and taller mountains

    luca gillespie 7D

  65. We learnt about map reading and coordinates. We also learnt all the symbols that are used.

    Eleanor Crawford 7C

  66. In primary school we only did a bit of goegraphy- we learn't about rivers/water cycles, and mountains/volcanoes- I enjoyed learning about islands too especially the Isle of Cole and St Lucia which I thought were so interesting that I wanted to go there on holidays! Joan Easton 7R

  67. In my primary school we learnt a lot about global warming, where it is happening and how to stop it . Also we learnt about the water cycle which included evaporation and condensation.

    Aimee Silvester 7D

  68. In my primary schools, we studied different topics in geography like the water cycle, volcanoes and mountains, the Antarctic and Asia. I think it is important to study geography because it gives you a better understanding of the world and its many different features.

    Simon Shea 7C

  69. In primary school we learnt about the River Thames . We also did a unit on climate changes and how it effects our surroundings.
    Ella Hudson 7c

  70. in primary we learnt about the water cycle and rivers

    Ava Burch 7R

  71. In primary school, i learnt the continents of the world and we learnt about the water cycle. We learnt much of those in a workshop (trip) at Acton High.

    Sabahodin Sharaf 7D

  72. in primary school I learnt about the water cycle and how it works
    Bella Allen 7C

  73. In primary school we learnt about the River Thames . We also did a unit on climate change and how it effects our surroundings. We did a few sessions on the water cycle.
    Ella Hudson 7c

  74. In primary school I learnt about volcanos and the water cycle

  75. in primary school I learnt about volcanos and the water cycle

  76. At primary school we didn't have Geography as a subject but we learned about volcanoes, earthquakes, the water cycle and space.
    Joe McLeman 7T

  77. In primary school we learnt about the River Thames . We also did a unit on climate change and how it effects our surroundings.We did a bit on the water cycle and the rainforests.
    Ella Hudson 7c
