Friday, 20 December 2013

Year 12 geographers - Christmas prep!

Hi Year 12,

As mentioned in lessons, you need to spend some time over the holidays completing the following work:

- Revise all Rivers content. Use your class notes and textbook to produce revision notes (mind maps, flash cards, consolidated notes, diagrams/pictures) for all work covered. This is to help you consolidate what you have learnt and to prepare you for the February mock. You should spend about 5 hours on this to do it well.

- Using the example answer and your notes, write an answer to the 15mk question below:

With reference to a river management scheme(s) which you have studied, outline the costs and benefits of the scheme(s) (15 marks)

- Mrs H-T has also set you work to do from the skills booklets.

Have a great Christmas.

Mr S

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