Monday 11 November 2013

Year 9 Lesson 2 Shifting Planet Prep

Calling all Year 9 Geographers! In lesson 2, you were introduced to the map that shows where earthquakes have happened around the world in the last week. You can visit the site to refresh your memory by clicking on the link here.

How useful is this website? Who might use it?

Post your answers to the questions using the comments function below. Don't worry if you can't see your comment straight away, they need to be moderated by a teacher. Please don't forget to leave your name at the end of your comment!


  1. I think that this website is useful because it shows all the most recent earthquakes, where they happened and how big they were. This information could be useful because if you were booking a holiday you would know not to go to the places with major tremors or quakes. People such as weather forecasters might use this information to predict where and how big earthquakes might be.
    Bethany Hudson

    1. hfhfddkxjffdgdgfcfjghjkxdfghfjdghdjkgh
      hhhgtymyuumkum :)

  2. the people that might find this useful would be geologists and people who are interested in this stuff and finding out about things like that.
    Michael Sinclair

  3. if you felt something and you wanted to check what it was you could use that website

  4. I think this is a very useful website as it shows all possible disasters and gives you all the information you would need about about them.I think it will help students geologists geographers and researchers.

  5. I think this website is amazing!
    why? because it show's all the earthquakes around the whole globe
    and I didn't know that there was earthquakes happing wright now anyway!!!! From Anonymous.... and it's good to know there is no earthquake's in England.. yet.. oh yeah it's Jross... Jordan Ross.

  6. The website is quite useful.People who have family abroad might use this website.

  7. Travellers can use them. To gain knowledge on where majority of earthquake happens.
    Miraj Haq 9C

  8. This website is useful because it helps you to understand more about geography as a whole. Especially if you have missed a lesson or are confused about something in your lesson you could always visit this website. I think that students that are confused or need extra support in geography will use it. Or if you are generally interested in geography you may read this blog

    Joanna Mitchell 9F

  9. I think the website is useful because it tells you the instant second something happens e.g an Earthquake. It tells you when (date and time) and where (country). I think people who work on the news would use this website because its updated regularly and has reliable sources. -ZG9C

  10. The website is really good and effective. Its cool how you can see your prep on this website. It helps when you forget to write yours in your planner! Its good how it has links to various revision sites so if your unaware of what websites to revise from, it tells you.
    I like it :)
    Amber 9F

  11. This website is useful because it shows what earthquakes have happened today and their magnitude. It helps you understand where the tectonic plates are and what they are doing. It is also useful because it shows where there is the greatest risk of earthquakes and so help can be given to them to build stronger houses and have emergency supplies.
    The people who might use it are reporters, who want to find out if any big earthquakes have happened so they can investigate and report them, or geographers who want to find out what the tectonic plates are doing.
    Imogen Marson 9D

  12. hello mrs v hinde-taylor i dont know what im meant to write. ididnt write down in my prep book what i was meant to post here but at least ive done something.
    josef southcombe 9F

  13. Ithink this site is very useful for people who report the news and people who have friends and family abroad.
    Akram Khan.

  14. I think this website is very useful for travelers to avoid visiting places where there could be disruptions.
    This website could also be useful for rescue and relief organisations to decide where help might be needed.
    It is also useful for scientist studding earthquakes

    by Madit Muortat

  15. I think that this is a great site with a lot of good, relevant info. It shows you a map (that can be zoomed in) and where the earthquakes have been going on in the past week. I think that a lot of people would find this website very handy... especially teachers! As well as earthquakes though they also do diseases across the world etc. this could be very useful for school work-h/w, and doctors etc.

  16. This site is quite useful as it provides up to date news about different things around the world daily it would be useful for travellers scientists
    Travellers would need this as they can see if the area where they are visiting has been hit by an earthquake or human trafficking or gang activity. Scientists could use this for tables and graphs so they could plot in different results and they might see a pattern. William Ashton 9R

  17. this website is brilliant there should be one for sciences and other subjects as a way to find out prep if you missed the lesson

  18. I think this is a great website which provides live information about hurricanes and other natural disasters on a global scale. this could be very useful for travellers so they know if they are going to be flying where it has been wrecked by hurricanes and other natural causes. this website could even be used for scientists to maybe find a pattern in when and where the hurricanes occur. Luke Wilson 9y

  19. I think that this website is useful s it shows lots of information on earthquakes such as where they are and how big they are. Its useful information could be used to study where other earthquakes are or could be used in weather reports.
    Ellie Dijkhuis

  20. This website could be very useful to many different types of people.
    Relief and rescue organisations to use it to see where help is needed.
    Travellers could use it to avoid places where they are likely to experience disruptions.
    People who have family or friends abroad could check it to find out if there have been recent disruptions near that person.
    Also, scientists and geographers could use it to conduct studies about earthquakes because it gives up-to-date information 24/7 about the positions, magnitudes and timings of quakes that they could record. They could then use this informations to see other things that these quakes have caused such as tsunamis. They could also use the data to help predict where future quakes may take place.

    Isaac Sunderland 9W

  21. This website is useful because its shows the latest earthquakes around the globe. Also if you were looking for a holiday you would know what is happening there. It also provides up to date information about things happening around the world. Scientists might use it to study earthquakes.It will also help people who are geologist or researchers.

  22. I like it because it shows some things that I find interesting and I like the map, because it shows where all the earthquakes are! Georgina Bennett 9T

  23. I think this website is useful for everyone, mostly students at Twyford because if you miss a lesson and need to catch up but can't catch your teacher or a friend or its the weekend you can just come onto here and it can help you just to get a feel of what your classmates did in the lesson you were away for. And if maybe someone who doesn't go to Twyford wants to find out if there has been any disturbance, such as an earthquake, in the place they are in they can just come on here.
    Jessica Murphy 9Y

  24. i think this website is very useful. it is fast , its shows you and provides you with useful information . and all the news iu up to dats which is very useful . scientist , geographer might use this . but i think anyone whos intrrested in the topic would find htis site very tempting and useful . aslo its very accurate . by Isis 9T

  25. This website is very practical, as not only does it show when earthquakes happen but where and to what scale. The site would be efficient for professions such as geology for reasons such as;
    -earthquakes show how the tectonic plates move and this site could help geographers and geologists make discoveries.
    -it could help people describe the distribution of earthquakes around the word with more ease.

  26. I think this website is useful and is handy to know which countries are having trouble with earthquakes, it tells you when,where and how big the earth quakes were. Luke Caplowe 9y

  27. it's sort of useful i guess.. you can see where most of the earthquakes are so if your in that area you could protect yourself before it comes. Mainly on the west coast of North America.
    Jordan Ferrier 9W

  28. i think this website is very useful and you can see where earthquake's are and how fast and when they were

  29. this website is useful if you are going on holiday, you will know where the most earthquakes happen. you will learn not to go to north America :P
    james ward 9R

  30. This website is very useful for people.
    It shows where volcanoes are erupting so that people can help and make sure hat heir friends and family are ok.
    also It could help you to know if he destination you are going to is safe.
    lastly it helps predict earthquakes

    Nicolas Bayle 9C

  31. I think the website is useful for resarchers because it shows them where earthquakes are and so they can map out any changes in anything. Also it helps students because it allows us to see where the earthquakes are in a quick and easy way.It also helps teachers teach students about earthquakes.

  32. I think that this website is very useful for all Twyford students, the website explains when and where the earthquakes are taking place and it also includes the size of the earthquake. George Daly 9y

  33. Its quite useful to people who want to be geologists or people who want to have a career that revolves around geography. Its also really useful for students who have to work around the topic of earthquakes because they can identify the patterns that the earthquakes have in commen.
    Grace Kiely 9F

  34. I think this website is amazing!
    why? because it show's all the earthquakes around the whole globe
    and I didn't know that there was earthquakes happing wright now anyway!!!! From Anonymous.... and it's good to know there is no earthquake's in England.. yet.. dan

  35. I think that this website is quite useful because you can see where all the earthquakes are and that is helpful for some people.
    Farzan Nasrat 9D :)

  36. This website was very useful because it clearly displayed the location size and time of the earthquakes in an easy to use, easy to view format.I believe that this site may be used by scientists to compare earthquakes with place boundaries,

  37. this website is very useful if you are studying recent earthquakes as it shows how recent and the location of different earthquakes. weather forecasters and travellers might use it to tell where earthquakes mainly occur

  38. This website is useful as it can help geographers and geologists learn more about tectonic plates and what it is doing to our world. also it can be useful to local people who live on these tectonic plates and it teaches them about what might cause these earthquakes and how big their magnitude was. It could also allow urgent rescue and relief teams gain time as they can find out where and when an earthquake has happened but it also gives predicted earthquakes so it can help them prepare for major disasters. It also helpful for geography lessons as we can learn where tectonic plates are and it can help us learn about earthquakes and why they happen.
    Katharine Biggs 9C

  39. I think it is useful because it allows you to see where recent earthquakes have happened, it also allows geologist to see where earthquakes are and make patterns.
    Adnan Parvez 9D :)

  40. Tom Smith 9Y
    This website is very useful and interesting in many ways. It shows us many patterns of earthquakes that are mainly clustered around the boundaries of the tectonic plates. By looking at certain patterns that are on the map, we can start to predict where the next earthquakes will be which is very interesting and clever.

  41. I think this website is very useful because it shows where the earthquakes are in the world and how powerful they are. It shows lots of information about different earthquakes and could be used to inform people about all the different natural disasters happening around the world with all the different settings. It clearly shows where most earthquakes happen and it is easy to spot trends.
    Isabella Lill 9W

  42. I think this is a very useful website, as it tells you lots of extra information about quakes, such as its depth and its magnitude. It tells you haw long ago it occurred, and its almost exact place. It's also useful with having the map, as you can easily see which areas of the world have earthquakes, such as parts of America, and places that do not, such as England.

    This could be useful for travelling people, as they could look where earthquakes happen regularly, so they might not want to go there, in case of a big earthquake. It's also useful for people who live in areas where quakes occur, and if the magnitude goes up, they might want to get out of the area before disaster strikes!

    It's also useful for scientists who study quakes, as they could predict when a big quake/tsunami could occur, and help get people out of the area before it hits. It could save many lives.

    By David Bradley 9W

  43. Tom Smith 9Y
    This website is very useful and helpful in many different ways. By realising how the earhquakes are mainly on the boundaries of tectonic plates, we can predict where an when upcoming earthquakes will be. This can be very useful to people who need to when an earthquake is coming so people can escape the danger zone before being harmed,

  44. This website could be very useful to many different types of people.
    Relief and rescue organisations to use it to see where help is needed.
    Travellers could use it to avoid places where they are likely to experience disruptions.
    People who have family or friends abroad could check it to find out if there have been recent disruptions near that person.
    Also, scientists and geographers could use it to conduct studies about earthquakes because it gives up-to-date information 24/7 about the positions, magnitudes and timings of quakes that they could record. They could then use this informations to see other things that these quakes have caused such as tsunamis. They could also use the data to help predict where future quakes may take place.
    I like it because it shows some things that I find interesting and I like the map, because it shows where all the earthquakes are!

  45. michael svanidze 9t20 November 2013 at 14:09

    the website is not very useful because if you were in a earthquake prone area you would almost definitely know that already and if you were a geologist you would need to know beforehand instead of after the event.

    Michael svanidze 9t

  46. This website is useful because it helps you to understand more about geography as a whole. Especially if you have missed a lesson or are confused about something in your lesson you could always visit this website. I think that students that are confused or need extra support in geography will use it. Or if you are generally interested in geography you may read this blog

    Joe Francis 9R

  47. I think this website is very good and helpful for many reasons. If you miss a lesson and need to catch up but can't catch your teacher or a friend or its the weekend you can just come onto here and it can help you just to get a feel of what your classmates did in the lesson you were away for. It can be useful to local people who live on these tectonic plates and it teaches them about what might cause these earthquakes and how big their magnitude was. It's also quite useful to people who want to be geologists or people who want to have a career that revolves around geography.
    I really like this website!
    Yogesh Nanda :))

  48. this is a very useful website for different reasons.
    by looking at the map we can see where the earth plate boundaries lie. this is because when the plates move against each other it causes an earthquake. so by looking at the map you can see how much earthquakes there really are. also this website doesn't just show you where on the map the earthquake happened it also tells you the depth and magnitude. this is very useful when it comes to predicting earthquake and how powerful they are likely to be.
    if you look at the map you can see that there are many earthquake and that they happen daily, this shows us that the plates are always moving and that not all earthquakes you can feel yourself.
    -Savannah Hewson 9D

  49. This website was very useful, I found that I could find the most recent earthquake and it can also update so you know what ones are going on now, you can also see how major the earthquake the size of the circle, Big meaning major earthquake small meaning not so major earthquake

  50. I found it very helpful and interesting on how many earthquakes are going on rite now

  51. This website is useful as it helps geographers and people around the world work out where the next eartquake might be.This is useful as it tells you the magnitude of the earthquake and how they are caused by tectonic plates. It also helps you find out about an eartquake near you so you can know how big it was and if there will be any more around the area.
    This is useful for pupils as well as it helps you build your geography skills by noticing any patterns in the earthquakes. It also helps people with a job in travelling around the world or knowing about the weather like weather forecasters so you know where there will most likely be an earthquake.
    Elise Jordan 9F

  52. i think this website is quite helpful to see all recent eartquakes and where their located. you can pic up patterns and compare them to maps on other days. it shows you that earthquakes happen all the time not just rarely like when you see earthquake reports on tv.from this i learnt earthquakes happen all the time without us noticing
    Serena 9C

  53. I think this website is helpful so that people could see recent earthquakes that have happened and located on the map. Earthquakes can happen often but not all the time since the dreadful Haiti earthquake back in 2010.
