Thursday 21 March 2013

Year 9 Geographers Map Task

Calling all Year 9 Geographers!
You have been asked to visit the blog as part of your prep.

Answer the following questions and post your comments below. Please remember that you will not be able to see your posts straight away.

Why is it important for people to be able to read maps? What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?


  1. It is important for people to be able to use maps because if you get lost in an area you don't know you can use a map to navigate your way, similarly if you are in a foreign country and want to find a tourist attraction you can use a map to find your way there.Tourists may use maps more regulary than others.

  2. it is important for people to be able to know how to read maps because maps help u navigate from places you don't know when you get lost. maps are used to find out how to get somewhere, to look over a particular state or country, or also to show you where things are. i think that tourists or geographers may use maps because they are visiting new places they don't know very well or at all.

  3. Samuel Dewick 9D22 March 2013 at 18:08

    1) It is important for people to be able to read maps so that they know how to get around and save time rather than travelling aimlessly.

    2) Maps are used to find ways around and into areas of land that may not be familiar to you. Most likely travellers or tourists would use them as a means of exploring new places.

  4. It is important for people to be able to read maps not only for finding a route but also to find out where things are e.g. the nearest pub, county/country borders, hills, marshes.

    Maps are used for a variety of things including orienteering, walking, camping, military activites, finding your way around a building or town, and general travelling. Anyone might use them regularly (e.g. tube maps, google maps) but those who use them most often is probably military personnel and travellers (serious walkers in particular)

    Abi M

  5. Why is it important for people to be able to read maps?
    -If you get lost, you know how tonavigate your way round
    What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?
    Maps are used to help find a loccation. Tourists are the main type of people to use maps.

  6. it is important for people to read maps because then you can navigate your way around and you can get to places. Also if you get lost and you dont know where you are you can use those skills to find your way. Tourists may use maps more than others as if you are in a different country and you want to find your way around eg. a beach,resaurant, tourist attraction ect.. you can use a map to navigate your way..

  7. Map reading is a very important skill to have, as you can see where you are going and how to get there. Most maps also show attractions and services, which are useful for tourists especially. People who use maps most often are tourists, travel agents, pikots and drivers, even if the map is on a computer or GPS.

  8. Map reading is an important skill to have because you need them to be able to get around and navigate in foreign countries. Maps also often show attractions or services, which can be useful for tourists. People that use maps more often that others could be tourists, drivers and pilots.

  9. It is important for people to be able to read maps as it helps later on in life if you need to find some ones house such as a friend and you need to use a map to ind it or if you travel abroad and you want to see the tourist attractions you will need to be able to read a map. They are used for finding buildings and other places such as something like The Eiffel Tower. The people who would usually use them are explorers or tourists or someone who wants to travel all around the world or someone with the worst memory in the world and can't go any where without a map.
    By Samer
    Elias 9F

  10. It is important to be able to read maps as they enable you to find your way if you are lost. They can also tell you were useful places are such as camping sites, telephone boxes or roads. They could be used regularly by hikers or campers.

  11. It is important for people to be able to use maps because if you are a tourist and want to find the place where you want to go. To do this you need to use a map which can help you find your way there. Maps are also very handy as you can find where to go if you are puzzled and do not know where to find a place. Tourists that travel around the world use
    maps more often than other people.

  12. It is important because it helps you find places, make walking rote or find your way if lost.
    people who cold use this might be:
    A tourist
    Anyone who is lost
    Anyone who is looking for something

    Saul Gilbert

  13. It is important to be able to read maps because if you are lost maps help you to firstly find out where you are but also help you to know where to go next. Maps are used for finding out where to get to and the shortest route possible... As the crow flys. They might be useful to tourists who can't speak the countries language as they use symbols.
    Rachael Evans 9F

  14. It is important for people to be able to read maps because if you get lost then you would be ablto see where you are and the way you need to go, also it shows you where things like pubs and churches are.

    People who go on regular walks, go camping or hiking would peobably use maps regulary.

    Georgia Winyard

  15. It is important to be able to read maps because it directs you where to go using symbols if you are lost. Tourists may use them to find out where to go without learning the language

    Fridolf Olsson 9R

  16. Why is it important for people to be able to read maps?
    If you get lost you will be able to navigate yourself to the right place.Also, if your compass breaks, you will still be able to navigate yourself to where you are going via map.

    What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?
    People like tourists,someone who hikes,delivery men. Anyone that needs to get somewhere that they are not familiar with. People who will use them regularly are Delivery men.

    Yours Truly, Joshua Ssendagire 9D :DDDDDD

  17. Becca Cozier 9C24 March 2013 at 23:00

    1) It is important to be able to read maps as they help you navigate your way around unfamiliar places. Also they can help you to locate your position in relation to another person/place.
    2) Tourists may use maps more than others as they are the most unfamiliar with their location and as the maps have symbols, they are easier to understand. Especially if they don't speak the country's language.

  18. Map Reading is important if you are in an area that is unfamiliar to you. Maps can show you where everything is, it can show you where certain attractions are, which is useful if you're a tourist. If you are lost you can use them you to find your way back to an area you know.

  19. I think you need map skills so you can direct yourself to places e.g. If your in an unfamiloiar place and you don't know what an Icon means if you know what it means it can help you direct yourself back

  20. It is important for people to be able to read maps because if you are able to, you can navigate yourself if you are lost or in a place that you are not familiar with. Maps are made for indicating where places are, people who might use a map are: taxi/ coach/ bus (etc...) drivers, tourists, archaeologists, weather forecasters, journalists, everyone actually.

  21. Map reading is an important skill to have because you need them to be able to get around and navigate in foreign countries. Maps also often show attractions or services, which can be useful for tourists.
    eloise price 9R

  22. Why is it important for people to be able to read maps?
    Being able to map read is extremely important, as you need to know where you are.

    What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?
    People who use maps are Mountaineers, climbers, tourist's and public transport drivers (bus driver).

  23. Why is it important for people to be able to read maps? What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?

    I. Map reading is an important life skill ,in case you are unfamiliar to the surrounding area or if it is part of your job.

    II.Maps are used by tourists and by ,meteorologist,volcanologist,engineers
    architects,captain of a ship,geologist, delivery service
    taxi driver.

    Lewis L-B 9C

  24. Yusuf Kassim, 9 Fountains25 March 2013 at 17:40

    I think that it is important for people to be able to read maps because by studying and investigating different maps from different locations, future geographers can then understand more about the economical, social and political features of a particular country, city, community or neighbourhood.

    A map can be used for many different purposes such as examining a local area in a province, state, or prefecture of a certain country. Maps can also be used for directing yourself or other people to or around different locations.

    Drivers, hikers and geographers might be the sort of people that use maps regularly in their everyday lives.

    Yusuf, 9 Fountains, 25.03.13

  25. 1) It is important for people to be able to read maps because if you are in an area you are unsure of you can gain knowledge of your orientation and surroundings, to help you find your way around, to find emergency services, and to prevent getting lost.

    2) Maps are used to find directions to places and to find things in a local area. People such as tourists and explorers may use maps to find their way around unfamiliar places by reading the maps. Maps also use symbols, so people of any language can use them, which is useful for tourists

  26. maps can be used to find where something is and to give directions. people like tourists finding places.its important to be able to read maps because you couldlearn how to get around using the map.

  27. Maps are important to read because it makes everything easy to find and many people relay on maps to help them find routes to countries etc if the don't have the electronically devices that help them decide where the location is than a map is always handy and also handy for many tourists

  28. Vanouhi Petrosyan26 March 2013 at 20:48

    Why is it important for people to be able to read maps?
    It is important for people to be able to read maps as you can learn about a specific location, including information about its land form, bodies of water and nature resources. Using a map you can visualise in your mind what the place looks like that you are going to, and you can see what landmarks and features you will pass on the way to your destination. Maps help you to know whether you are going in the right direction to arrive at your destination safely and quickly.

    What are maps used for and who might use them regularly?
    A map can be used for many different purposes. It can be used to find out how to get somewhere, to look over a particular state or country, or to show you where things are. Maps are also used to display both cultural and physical features of the environment. People who might use maps regularly are pilots, taxi, truck drivers and ship captains. A ship captain for example will use maps to safely navigate and keep from running into shoals and headlands and to find safe harbours; they will usually use nautical charts. Taxi/Truck drivers will use maps to navigate through streets; therefore they will use city street maps.

  29. It is important to be able to read and use maps as this will allow you to manually navigate yourself instead of relying on a SatNav. For example if your SatNav breaks down and you are in a place you are not familiar with then you can use a map to find your bearings and navigate yourself to where you want to go.

    Maps are used to layout an area of land by using simple and universal signs to illustrate the surrounding buildings or geographical features. They are also used for navigation purposes.

    Used by: The General Public
    Taxi Drivers
    The Government

  30. maps are important for knowing where you are going and also it is useful for if your WiFi is down and you need a map then that's when you need it.

  31. It is important for people to read maps so they know where they are going and know how to get there, especially if they are in foreign countries. A map can also tell you about the kind of land e.g. flat or hilly, forest or desert etc.

    People use maps to find the best route to places and the types of people who use maps regularly are hikers, tourists and people working in remote places like the Amazon or parts of China.

    Oscar 9D
