Tuesday 25 September 2012

Year 7 Geography- What's it about and why should we study it?

Hello Year 7! By now you should be well into your first unit of work. This blog is a really good place to keep track of what is happening and also to find out about interesting geographical events and news. What we would really like to know is what you think geography is about and why is it important for us to study it? Post your comments using the button below (your comments will not appear straight away so don't panic if you don't see them first of all). We look forward to hearing from you!


  1. I think it is important because you need to know where different places are and what it is like there.It would also be useful to know where things are in different places or countries.

    1. I think geography is important because if you are lost in a country you will know where to go and if an earth quake or something like that happens you will know what it is and how serious it is and without our knowledge of geography it would be nearly impossible to do anything.

    2. I think geography is important because everybody needs to know the world there living on. Its also important to know some of the worlds negatives, positives, the land formation and population.

  2. Well, I think that geography is about the world and all the people in it, and like Amelia I reckon that it is good to learn about all of this so that in later life it will help you alot.

  3. Geography is about our planet, exploring how it has changed, how it is still changing and the human effect on it.
    It is important to study geography for mining purposes and preserving what's left of our forests.

  4. I think that geography is important to learn because it helps us with our understanding about differet countries,and climate changes. The study of geography also enlightens the way we think about our planet .The population of the world and what we have done to it.

  5. I think geography is realy good as it helps you understand about the world and all the counterys in it it also helps you learn about the changes in the world, and how people live in it.

  6. i think geography is good to learn about because it teaches us a lot about the world (our planet) and our enviroment. it is also good to learn about geography because it can help us when were older in things such as travelling when we go on holiday.

  7. Aaliyah Barker I think geography is a interesting topic it helps us to use atlases and our world and countries

  8. I think geography is good because you can know the different countries and about them eg. populaitoin and capital city

  9. I think geography is good for you because(especially if you want to become a traveller)you can find your way around the popular places as well as the not so known ones.

    1. Victor 7R I think geography is good for because you can look at very popular places and can known every thing about the subject for example when it comes to a maybe a GCSE exam and it had a question what is geography then you would had thought of it in your head

  10. Simon 7R: In primary school I liked geography very much. I learnt a lot of things when I was there. I learnt about Africa, India and, most recently, Coastal erosions. I really enjoyed geography in primary school; in fact it was one of my favourite subjects. I hope I will like it as much in High School as I did in Primary and I'm really looking forward to doing it.

  11. I think geography is a very useful subject as it also makes us understand and compare are different habits and cutlers of other humans whose lives are different makes us some times makes thank
    God for our positions of where we are and where we will be in future

  12. Ella T 7C :
    In primary school we studied river in geography such as the Thames, the Severn and the Tyne. We also looked at maps.

  13. Macy ward 7Y
    When I was in year 5,6 we learnt about rivers, south America and the oceans of the world. I think geography is very important

  14. In primary school geography wasn't tough that often or very well so i am not completely sure what it is.
    we did abit on Austrailia but that was it.

  15. In year 5 I did a river project on Chao Phraya in Thailand. I really enjoyed it because I found out lots of facts about the river. Overall I think geography is a great subject.

  16. Jesse Sharp 7W:
    It is important to learn Geography because you can learn about the nations, countries and states and their individual purposes in the world ;such as being able to grow fruit that no other place around the globe can provide naturally.
    Also, it is a benefit for later life when you can understand maps to go across the globe in different departments of business that concern travelling across the globe.

  17. Charlie Sharp 7T:
    Geography should be taught because when you are out exploring the world or even just going to Hampstead Heath you need some sort of sense of direction and common knowledge of the navigation of maps to make your way around and not get lost. Also, when you are out on your GCSE and A level wilderness exploration assessment, you will need to navigate around the landscape to complete and pass your test.

  18. Oscar 7W
    In Year 5 we studied an African village.
    In year 6 we studied France before our visit.

  19. Nate 7F
    In year 4 we studied Chembekoli, an African village and we learned about how they lived in there daily lives.

  20. Mohamad Hamdan 7D:
    I loved Geography in my prep school. I learnt a lot about map skills which we went on a trip about. We learnt about the water cycle, rock and erosion. We also learnt about contours, health and lifestyle symbols, measuring maps, migration immigration and refugees, different cities in the UK, transferring data onto graphs, landscape, environmental issues, different jobs and finally environmental processes. We did a massive exam to wrap all of this up. I think geography is important because we need to learn about the world around, learn from the past and care about our environment and know about different types of climate when travelling and to save the world!!

  21. it is important because it is important to learn about the climate and the world we live in .it is also a great and interesting subject

  22. Olivia 7D
    I think that geography is important because you learn about where different countries are and it helps you to navigate and read maps.

  23. In my primary school we did have geography .we had topic.on topic we learnt about Tudors

    Rio whilby 7R

  24. It is important to study geography as it gives you an idea of where places are, so you don't get lost etc etc etc... It is useful and will certainly help in general life (like reading maps)

    Comment by: Jeevan Farthing 7T!!
